Glitchy savestates (besides sound issues)

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Glitchy savestates (besides sound issues)

Post by Blaziken257 »

I was testing some save states in various games, and I came across some problems in four of the games that I've tried (other than sound, which has already been addressed, so I won't mention any sound issues in this thread). So far, save states REALLY screw up in Donkey Kong Land, Donkey Kong Land 2, Donkey Kong Land III, and Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3. I'll go over each of these four games separately, though a lot of the issues are related.


Donkey Kong Land


I tested a state on the title screen. When I loaded it, it was fine at first (other than the missing sound).



But then, when I pressed Start, the problems came up. I noticed that ALL my saved data was gone, even though I had some saved data before:



Then, after that, I picked a file, and the screen was all blank, though the music of the map screen could still be heard:



When I reset, though, my saved data came back. Weird.


Donkey Kong Land 2


I also saved a state on the title screen. Again, like DKL, the missing sound was the only issue.



Then, my saved data was gone, like in DKL.



Then, I picked a file, and very weird things started to happen. I was in a place where I shouldn't be: this position on the map isn't even supposed to exist, and if it was an empty save file, I'd start on the bottom-right of the map, not the top.


This is what happened in the savestate:



This is a screenshot of an un-glitched savestate... notice how the place I'm standing doesn't exist here:



And if I started a new game, I would really be here:



Then, I moved, and I could move around on the overworld map, as if I completely beat the game. I picked one of the worlds, and the world map loaded fine:



Then, I went to one of the levels, and it completely froze on me.



However, when I reset, I got my data back. Weird if you ask me.


Donkey Kong Land III


Again, I saved a state on the title screen, and again, the only problem was the lack of sound:



Then, I pressed Start, and the file select screen was garbled:



I selected a file, and I ended up in a spot I shouldn't have been in, and there was also no text on the bottom.



I pressed a random direction, and I was walking all over the map for many minutes (even when speeding up the emulator, it took a long time for the character to stop moving). Not to mention the bottom bar had garbled text:



Once I stopped, I was finally able to press A to go to the world. So I did:



After pressing A, the map took about 5-10 seconds to load (it shouldn't take that long), and it ended up being garbled text all over the place:



Then, I pressed A to enter a level, and the colors were messed up, and it was all garbled up. I couldn't do anything here.



Thankfully, resetting gets the data back.


Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3


I tried saving states in many parts of the game, all with bad results. First, I tried saving a state in the title screen. However, when I reloaded it, it was stuck there, and I couldn't do anything.


Then, I tried to save a state in the cutscene (if you wait a few seconds after the title screen). However, when I reloaded it, it was stuck there, with no sprites or anything. Pressing buttons didn't do anything either:



Then, I tried to save a state in the file select screen. When I reloaded THAT, my saved data was gone:



Finally, I saved a state in a level, but when I reloaded it, it took me back to the title screen. However, it wasn't stuck on the title screen.

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