As some of you may remember, I have been working on a proper OS X port of VBA-M in my spare time. Because VBA-M is prerelease software, I haven't been working with any sense of urgency, so the progress has been slow.
Today I saw that the Mother 3 Fan Translation is going to release this week, and tomato announced that Mac users may have problems saving their game, and recommends that they use an older version of VBA.
Now, I'm assuming that VBA-M will run the patch, since there was some discussion of UPS patch support being added for this translation patch. If so, then an OS X port of VBA-M should eliminate the saving problem for OS X users.
If I can get my port finished soon, would it be alright if I provide a build for OS X users who want to play the Mother 3 translation? I understand that VBA-M is prerelease software. In no way would I advertise it as released, and would include notices that it was prerelease software.
I wanted to get permission first because I don't want to go against the wishes of any of the developers here, who have spent far more time developing VBA-M then I have spent porting it.