Well I just checked the IRQ but I don't see a listing for the Realtek High Definition Audio.
I did however find Microsoft UAA bus for high definition audio and that is on IRQ 20 and is listed under Hardware Resources in System Information.
I just checked Conflicts/Sharing under hardware resources and it appears my the Microsoft UAA bus driver for high definition audio is either sharing with or conflicting with Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller.
If you want to know my PC's model/make I'll list it below since I've already listed my specs:
My PC is a HP s7700n Slimline PC.
I am currently running XP SP2 x64 as mentioned above. I'll make sure I'll try some different drivers to see if rolling back or updating fixes the problem.
I'm pretty limited on what I can do at the moment since I'm on satellite internet and we exceeded our bandwidth threshold yesterday so we're pretty much at sub dial-up speeds for a few more hours until we come out of fap (Fair Access Policy).