This seems to have been introduced in N-Rage Input 2.2 final, as I haven't reproduced it in 2.2 beta or 2.1 RC3. I noticed this while I was setting the NRAGE.INI file to use a memory pak file for all four controllers.
To reproduce in the configuration dialogue, under the tab for controllers 1, 2, 3, or 4 (whichever), switch to either the "Devices", "Modifiers", or "Controller Pak" sub-tab, then switch to the parent tab of a different controller. No matter what sub-tab you had selected, it always assumes the interface of only the "Controls" sub-tab.
After switching from the tab of controller 2, 3, or 4 to the tab of controller 1, the controls for controller 1 appear in place of the dialogue for the devices, modifiers, or controller pak settings of controller 1.