it crashes because you lack VS2010SP1 Redist
The continuing development of the legendary VBA gameboy advance emulator.
it crashes because you lack VS2010SP1 Redist
I upgraded Visual Studio 2010 C++ Redist from no Service Pack (SP0) to SP1 but I'm still experiencing the same issue. I have received updates from Windows Update and restarted.
Not sure if it'll help, but here's a screenshot of most of the Visual Studio stuff I have installed. (Only MS VS2010 Tools for Office Runtime x86 is not shown.)
Forgot to mention I'm using the latest XBCD (0.2.7) and haven't had a previous verison installed.
Mind telling me the size of the xbcdr.dll file in windows\syswow64?
I am running Windows Vista 32-bit (Service Pack 2), so I don't have a syswow64 folder. The xbcdr.dll file in system32 is 23.0 KB (23,552 bytes).
can you test the effects in fedit(attached)
On launching the program, it gives me the error "Warning: Could not disable auto-centering spring in the device.". Running the software with a Constant Force for 1 second and Ramp for 1 second after causes the following log and no controller rumble.
Code: Select all
00000000: Couldn't create the effect!
00000001: hResult = 0x80004001 : Function not supported
00000002: Couldn't create the effect!
00000003: hResult = 0x80004001 : Function not supported
00000004: Effect is NULL, so can't play!
00000005: Effect is NULL, so can't play!
Ah, can you take a look at joy.cpl and make sure the xbcd driver is set as the preferred device.
There was no driver set. Now it is set, Project 64, N-Rage and fedit all rumble when they should without crashes or errors.
Thanks very much for your help Squall!