Is Metroid II playable in color under VBA-M?
Hi all!
I've finally decided to play through Metroid II and was deciding between dusting off my old Super Gameboy or using VBA-M. I'd probably rather the latter, but when I loaded it I noticed that nothing I try seems to result in anything but monochrome graphics.
Obviously the original game is monochrome (Gameboy only, no DX ever released), but I clearly recall my real cartridge playing with a limited color palate in my SNES/Super Gameboy. I thought this was simulated in VBA (I tested with Game and Watch Gallery, which indeed displays in SGB color) but I can't get it to work.
What's more, I figured "well, if I try something else..." and downloaded two separate "colorization" ips patches but one causes a whitescreen while the other displays STILL in monochrome (even though the other changes of the patch are evident!).
I'm sure I'm just missing a setting or something here. I've tried setting to SGB, SGB2, Automatic, GB, GBC, GBA... all keep Metroid 2 in monochrome. I've tried enabling and disabling GB bios, and I've even tried renaming the roms to .gbc or .sgb but all to no avail.
Before I go mad, I'd love to know if anyone can get Metroid 2 to play on VBA-M (what seems to be the latest version, SVN1149) or if this is 'broken' and I'm wasting my time?
If so, fair enough (I'll just bust out my SNES/SGB), but VBA-M is so great that I'd love to play in that instead if I can get color working!