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Save State Help Unsupported Version.Error

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:25 am
by marcx987

Hi i just have question over save states for this emulator.


Im trying to use my save states from the ps3 ppc port of vbam.

(Vbam ps3 google page)


The emulator saves the states in .sgm format similar to the pc version.

I loaded up the rom using the latest build(VBAM956). I starts up fine and loads the battery file 100% ok.

Since the save states are in the same folder it loads them into there respective positions in the menu, but when i load them i get this message:

unsupported visualboyadvance save game version 167772160


I google'd the error code and could only find references to version 0 or 9 errors. After which i tried to see if the files had been gzipped and if that had been the cause of the error but even after decompressing and renaming it gave the same error(this happened before in the mednafen emulator on ps3, which got fixed and .savs and save states are interchangable for pc and ps3)


I have also tried to see if downloading an older version to see if that would work but all fail with the same error.(vba 1.7.2-vbam956 x86/vbam347 x64)


I can't find any information on this specific error code so i'm here asking if anybody has heard of it as i would love to be able to use my .sgm files for one emulator to the next since not all games are so easy to get to a save point.


Edit: Added screenshot and sgm file used

Save State Help Unsupported Version.Error

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:37 pm
by Squall Leonhart

the ps3 port is from another developer, and from the looks of things uses a different implementation of savestate support.

Save State Help Unsupported Version.Error

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:47 pm
by mudlord

Support goes to VBA PS3 developers.


I dont want to, or even bother helping out those byuu allied retards. Or doing tech support for THIER emulator.


So they can rot in hell.