First of all, hello forum.
Now here's my problem; leaving "Sync game to audio" checked creates motion stuttering when playing in fullscreen, vsyncing to 60hz. I have tried about every possible combination of settings but to no avail. Disabling it, of course, gets rid of the stuttering, but then audio screws up quite badly.
The best way to test this is to go fullscreen and vsync to 60hz with "Sync game to audio" checked. Make sure your system isn't running anything else in the background that would mess with the framerate. Now load a game with long, horizontal smooth scrolling scenes (Super Mario Land 2's map should do), keep moving left and right (B+pad) till you notice the stuttering, which may happen any time.
Gambatte gets this right, not stuttering under normal circumstances, so at least a fix should be technically possible.
Thanks for your time and thanks for this great emulator.