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vbam svn945 compiling problems and solutions.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:58 am
by cmdreamer

Hello there, first of all, thanks a lot for this great vba emulator.


Ok, now to the point ;P


I tried to compile vbam svn 945, but I got an error:

Code: Select all

CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:57 (MESSAGE):
Call Stack (most recent call first):
 CMakeLists.txt:44 (FIND_PACKAGE)


After following install instructions from SFML site and repeating compile process it advances until this point when linking gvbam and vbam executables:


Code: Select all

/usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /usr/lib/gcc/i586-redhat-linux/4.4.1/../../../, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)


So I installed openal-soft library (not needed on svn 928) which was the last one I compiled. And everything went ok, compiled without any problems, just the "usual" deprecated and unused messages.


There's a typo I've found on vbam.desktop file, on the comment section:


Code: Select all

Comment=Nindendo GameBoy Advance Emulator


Which I modified to:


Code: Select all

Comment=Nintendo GameBoy Advance Emulator


So then at the end I've got a Fedora 11 vbam-1.8.0_svn945 RPM and SRPM. Which I can share if anyone's interested.


Thanks again for this great emu, I'm looking forward for VBAM-2 ;D


Oh! BTW, ZIP file support is fixed now, thanks! Can 7Zip file support be implemented, file size is smaller in 7Z, thanks in advance.

vbam svn945 compiling problems and solutions.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:28 am
by ryuragnas

I'm trying to compile this version as well, and it says that

Code: Select all

roximus@roximus-netbook:~/Downloads/VBAM/vbam/trunk$ cmake CMakeLists.txt 
-- Loaded CMakeASMInformation - ASM support is still experimental, please report issues
-- checking for module 'gtkmm-2.4'
--   package 'gtkmm-2.4' not found
-- checking for module 'glibmm-2.4'
--   package 'glibmm-2.4' not found
-- checking for module 'giomm-2.4'
--   package 'giomm-2.4' not found
-- checking for module 'libglademm-2.4'
--   package 'libglademm-2.4' not found
-- checking for module 'gtkglextmm-x11-1.2'
--   package 'gtkglextmm-x11-1.2' not found
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
  used as include directory in directory /home/roximus/Downloads/VBAM/vbam/trunk

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!


How do I continue?

vbam svn945 compiling problems and solutions.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:56 am
by spacy51

You have to install the developer packges that are not found.

vbam svn945 compiling problems and solutions.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:04 am
by ryuragnas

Where do find giomm-2.4? as I have done a search for it in Synaptic, and nothing has turned up...


Edit: Here is the result of trying it again after installing said dependancies (minus giomm, as it installed that with the others):

Code: Select all

roximus@roximus-netbook:~/Downloads/VBAM/vbam/trunk$ cmake .
-- Loaded CMakeASMInformation - ASM support is still experimental, please report issues
-- Looking for XOpenDisplay in /usr/lib/;/usr/lib/
-- Looking for XOpenDisplay in /usr/lib/;/usr/lib/ - found
-- Looking for gethostbyname
-- Looking for gethostbyname - found
-- Looking for connect
-- Looking for connect - found
-- Looking for remove
-- Looking for remove - found
-- Looking for shmat
-- Looking for shmat - found
-- Looking for IceConnectionNumber in ICE
-- Looking for IceConnectionNumber in ICE - found
-- Found X11: /usr/lib/
-- checking for module 'gtkmm-2.4'
--   found gtkmm-2.4, version 2.18.2
-- checking for module 'glibmm-2.4'
--   found glibmm-2.4, version 2.22.1
-- checking for module 'giomm-2.4'
--   found giomm-2.4, version 2.22.1
-- checking for module 'libglademm-2.4'
--   found libglademm-2.4, version 2.6.7
-- checking for module 'gtkglextmm-x11-1.2'
--   found gtkglextmm-x11-1.2, version 1.2.0
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
  used as include directory in directory /home/roximus/Downloads/VBAM/vbam/trunk

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

vbam svn945 compiling problems and solutions.

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:56 am
by cmdreamer

According to this:


Code: Select all

-- checking for module 'giomm-2.4'
--   found giomm-2.4, version 2.22.1


It's already installed, not 2.4 version though but should work. Also, you need to install SDL and SDL-devel for this to return SDL libraries path and to be able to compile VBA-M::


Code: Select all



Advice, read carefully the error messages, most of the time they provide more usefull info than we can think of. Something more, use common sense after reading such error messages (no offense).

vbam svn945 compiling problems and solutions.

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:34 pm
by ryuragnas

I've used the make command, it makes it, I then try make install, it says


make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop.


Now I'm confused :msn_confused:

vbam svn945 compiling problems and solutions.

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:44 am
by cmdreamer

I've used the make command, it makes it, I then try make install, it says


make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop.


Now I'm confused :msn_confused:


Could you please add more output from './configure', and from 'make' at least the last 20 lines and from 'make install' the resulting message?


Did you run 'make' and 'make install' as root? (Without the single quotes of course)

vbam svn945 compiling problems and solutions.

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:53 am
by ryuragnas

Could you please add more output from './configure', and from 'make' at least the last 20 lines and from 'make install' the resulting message?


Did you run 'make' and 'make install' as root? (Without the single quotes of course)


I must be a noob, as ./configure says


bash: ./configure: No such file or directory


I have only recently put ubuntu on my netbook, as Windows was giving me the shits with viruses.

vbam svn945 compiling problems and solutions.

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 9:39 pm
by cmdreamer

<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="579" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>

Could you please add more output from './configure', and from 'make' at least the last 20 lines and from 'make install' the resulting message?


Did you run 'make' and 'make install' as root? (Without the single quotes of course)


I must be a noob, as ./configure says


bash: ./configure: No such file or directory


I have only recently put ubuntu on my netbook, as Windows was giving me the shits with viruses.


OK my bad, sorry.


How did you compiled vba-m svn 945? I'm asking you to post the process you used to compile it and the messages showed during that process, except for all the messages from make (the compilation itself), as it outputs a lot of info.


Myself, normally I just unpack the svn package from the svn repo and on the 'trunk' folder issue the 'cmake CMakeLists.txt' command which configures and compiles the package; but I need to create an RPM package to install it on some computers (all based on Fedora 11), so an RPM comes in handy and the compilation process (in my case) is slightly different.

vbam svn945 compiling problems and solutions.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:14 am
by ryuragnas

I have deleted the old vbam folder, and started fresh, I used:


ccmake CMakeList.txt

make .

sudo make install


It has been stuck on


Building CXX object CMakeFiles/vbam.dir/src/filters/hq/c/hq_implementation.o


for a while now... about 30 minutes...


Mind you, I'm compiling it on an Acer Aspire One 150


I used ccmake as its a terminal gui, so its a couple keystrokes to use.


EDIT: After waiting 45 minutes, it compiled...

Now that I have it compiling, how to I only compile the SDL version? as I would like to use RTC and such...