Hi there.
I have noticed a bug in my XAudio2 sound output. When I set my speaker setup to 4.0, 5.1 or 7.1, everything works fine, but when I set it to 2.0 or Headphones, XAudio2 won't play back any audio data, resulting in hangs when audio sync is enabled. I already did all I could for debugging, but I had no success in finding the mistake yet. The strange thing is, the example project from the SDK works fine with stereo, but it only uses a mono sample.
I would be glad if anyone could test the latest Win32/MFC build with XAudio2 and tell me if it is working for him. Please disable stereo to surround upmixing.
Oh, and please tell me what sound card you are using. I'm using an ASUS Xonar DX.