In order to keep things efficient, a number of info would be desirable, so compatibility issues could be looked into.
- which emulator version was used (or SVN revision)
- which platform (XP, XP64 bits, Vista, Linux, MacOS X 10.4, etc...)
- sound/graphics issues, if any
- speed/performance (please mention your processor)
- game title
- game type (GBA/GB/GBC)
- Rom Name
- Region code (E,U,J,A,G,S,I,F,.. thats Europe, USA, Japan, Australia (i think), Germany, Spain, Italy, France.
- Rom Version (1.0,1.1, etc...)
- Game Code (for example, Yugioh GX Dual academy is BYGE). See the properties of the game in VBA-M.
- If the game requires VBA-Over.ini, mention it.
- if VBA-Over.ini is required, mention the settings required. (so that it can be added if its not there already.).
- Is RTC required: Yes or No
- If the game works ok with just Automatic/Automatic and automatic save type, just a mention that it works with the defaults would be enough.
PS: feel free to edit this as desired, then remove this line.