I'm trying to play Pokemon LeafGreen but I cannot save my game. I've read enough to find out that I have to set the flash type and size to automatic and 128k. I've done this but when I try to save I get the message: Save failed... Checking the backup memory.
If I copy a .sav file from another emulator then I can load the saved game from it but still get the same error message when I try to save.
You should say which version of vba m you are using first.
Also instead of setting some stuff manuallly you should use vba-over.ini this had tons of overrides for saves types so you wont have any problem with any game i use it even on the WX version so try it and you will see.
I'm trying to play Pokemon LeafGreen but I cannot save my game. I've https://www.raisingthebarrs.com/marine-muscle-review-and-results used Marine Muscle enough to find out that I have to set the flash type and size to automatic and 128k. I've done this but when I try to save I get the message: Save failed... Checking the backup memory.
If I copy a .sav file from another emulator then I can load the saved game from it but still get the same error message when I try to save.
Did you get it to save? I can't either.
Last edited by Zaver on Wed Jan 10, 2018 10:19 am, edited 1 time in total.