Hmm...not sure if this is in the correct bug sub-section...but it does not seem to have enough severity to go under core.
Anyways in the past if you load a game from a directory and it loads fine and you play the game for a while then load another game and play that etc. at the end of it all VBA remembers the directory you were last in. So the next time you go to load a GBA game (an not one from the most recent list) then it will start up from that last directory used (there is also an ini entry to that effect).
However it seems on SVN compile 461 this somehow does not happen propperly as while it does remember the directory during gaming, once the emulator has been closed and then started again, it always starts up from it's own directory instead of the last used one.
There's also no entry in the ini saying where the last directory was.
Sorry if this has been fixed but as the latest SVN compile 470 does not work on my single core system as has already been said in it's release thread so I am not able to check that it has been.