I found that if I delete the CMakeFiles directory, and run "cmake -DWINCROSS=1 ." again, it works now. Is there an official method to delete that directory, like "make distclean" or something?
Also, is there perhaps the possibility that we can have different parameters like that perhaps create a CMakeFiles-win directory and Makefile.win, so I can have both UNIX and Windows builds at the same time?
I also found an issue, it's using the wrong ar and ranlib in the process. How do I override those so it uses the proper ones?
It's also doing this in the final step:
Code: Select all
-o vbam -rdynamic -L/home/nach/SVN/vbam/trunk libvbamcore.a -lSDL -lz -lpng -lGLU -lGL -lSM -lICE -lX11 -lXext
This should be vbam.exe, and not be linking in -lSM -lICE -lX11 -lXext, nor using -rdynamic. How can I get rid of these?
There's also a problem with the assembly or something here.
It's doing this:
Code: Select all
/usr/bin/nasm -f elf -Isrc/hq/asm/ -O1 -DELF -I/usr/include/SDL -DSYSCONFDIR='"/etc"' -DVERSION='"1.8.0-SVN"' -DPKGDATADIR='"/usr/local/share/vbam"' -DPACKAGE='' -o CMakeFiles/vbam.dir/src/hq/asm/hq4x_32.o /home/nach/SVN/vbam/trunk/src/hq/asm/hq4x_32.asm
ELF should not be used in Windows mode.
I specifically have:
Code: Select all
IF ( WIN32 )
SET( CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS "-Isrc/hq/asm/ -O1")
ELSE ( WIN32 )
SET( CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS "-Isrc/hq/asm/ -O1 -DELF")
And the included NASM build rules also has win32 specified as follows:
Code: Select all
SET(CMAKE_ASM_COMPILE_OBJECT " -f win32 -DWIN32 -o -c ")
But the -DWIN32 and all isn't appearing.