[Fixed]We really must fix the CGB Audio + States bug
we know.
The continuing development of the legendary VBA gameboy advance emulator.
we know.
Hi, new member here. I'm sort of having the same problem except that I am having an issue with there being no sound effects when playing my game. The game in question is Golden Sun 2. I was originally playing it on VBA version 1.8.0-beta 3. However when I switched over to VBA-M it ran BEAUTIFULLY except that I had no sound effects to the game at all. Had music, and some sound but mostly no sound effects. Any suggestions on how I can fix this problem? Is it even fixable? Anything else you need to know just ask and I will see what I can do. Thanks!
don't use save states. Golden sun 1 and 2's sound works fine until you load a state.
Blargg, it seems this isn't fully fixed after all, alot of members are posting about sounds/channels being missing upon loading a state.
It stopped working after revision 937.
Shuffle2 quietened some warnings around that time.
in effects_buffer.cpp
Code: Select all
if ( buf->non_silent() && ( buf->echo == (bool)echo_phase ) )
if ( buf->non_silent() && ( buf->echo == !!echo_phase ) )
in Gb_apu_state.cpp
Code: Select all
#define REFLECT( x, y ) (save ? (io->y) = (x) : (x) = (io->y) )
#define REFLECT( x, y ) (save ? (io->y) = (x) : (x) = !!(io->y) )
definitely seems to be the changes to Gb_apu_state.cpp
Pending any possible rewrite to the code, this has been fixed in 955.